Thursday, September 29

Monday, September 19

I read a book once.

It inspired this post. I don't remember what it was called, or even if it was very good. All I remember was the protagonist was given a school assignment to write on these three things.
And I was inspired.

Also, I added a third.

These I have loved...
oceans, beaches and sand
ham sandwiches and bacon and egg pies
early foggy mornings
dampness and humidity
the sound of snow beneath my skis
the silence of the trees
the rush of a blizzard
power outages
school bells
starry nights
theater days
airports and passport stamps
sweaty hikes and treacherous trails
conversations with random strangers
long talks with old friends

These I love...
a space all to myself
being invisible
being noticed
asked for advice
receiving good advice
long walks around the temple
quiet time
bed time
morning time
being on time
tidy spaces
getting lost
getting found
being loved

I am... 
Brittney Luana Ngawati Clarke
New Zealander
and Canadian
a student
a biological sciences major
a roommate
brown haired, green eyed
a piano player
an ex-flutist
an aspiring guitarist
occasionally a singer
sometimes a bio nerd
often a procrastinator
a daughter
a friend
a daughter of God

I will be...
a wife
a mother
and anything else I want to be.
but most of all, I will be happy.

Thursday, September 8

awe look at me keeping my promises.

Yes. Here I am. I'm back, just like I said I would be. You want an update? Okay well just a quick one...
Summer is gone. Just like that. I spent the majority of it at work. (not even kidding, I just did the math and assuming I slept 7 hours a day (haha thats a pretty big assumption) I literally spent more than half of the rest of my time at work). But I made good use of the time I wasn't working so it was a good summer. Actually, it was the best one so far (funny, but I think I remember saying that about last summer). I didn't accomplish any of the hiking on my to-do list, but that's okay. I had some fantastic times, and built friendships that will last forever.
Aaaaand now I've moved up to Calgary. Yup, small town Brittney in the big city. My plan is to do my bachelor of science at the U here. Please, don't ask me what I'm doing after that. So far I have managed to get lost often. I am managing the driving and traffic okay though, which was one of my bigger worries. I have met several people who's names I immediately forgot and have decided that my roommates are thankfully normal.
Yesterday was a defeating day. After wandering around campus most of the day, by myself, completely lost, not accomplishing anything that I needed to do, I was ready to give up. I was ready to call it quits and crawl back in my hole. But this morning I decided that I was made of stronger stuff than that. I decided, upon waking, that today was going to be a great day, and that I needed to do everything possible to take advantage of it's greatness. I was in a good mood, from the very beginning. Nothing could get me down. And it was a great day. I didn't get (that) lost. I talked to people, took a chance, possibly made a fool of myself, made some mistakes, and also made some really good choices. As a result, I am more oriented with the campus (I will probably still get lost many more times though), I met some people, I got help where I needed it, figured out where I'm going and what I'm doing, and got answers to all my questions. But most of all, I figured out one important thing...
I can do this. So here I go. Just watch me.

Friday, August 26

forgive me

Dear blog.
I'm sorry. I have not forgotten you. I am simply to busy living life to stop and write about it, although I dearly wish I could because I have so many thoughts flying around my head. I will have you know that life is good. Life is grand. Life is fantastic and beautiful and incredible and frightfully intimidating and terrifying and fast-paced and way to short. But soon my life will be changing again. Way to soon. Stay tuned because when that happens I will perhaps have time to write more often. I miss you. I'll be back soon, I promise. Till then, wish me luck.
Love Brittney

Sunday, July 24


A few days ago I bought a new stapler and whiteboard markers. For work. I was really, really, freakishly excited about that. And it was then that I realized how sad my life was. When toonie tuesday and the purolator guy coming are the highlights of your week, you know you're spending to much time at work. But that's okay, I'm cool with that. Infact, that's just how I like it. I could work less hours if I really wanted to, but then what would I do with all my spare time? Besides, who needs sleep anyways?
But really, I'm happy. I mean, why wouldn't I be?? Life is just plain great.
PLUS I have the house to myself again. Yup, just me and the fish in that big ol' house. Is it weird that I treasure that time I have to myself? I love coming home and being able to do whatever I want, no matter what time it is.
AND I did something that I have been wanting to do for a while now. More on that later :)
But all in all, life is good. For right here, for right now, this is what I got. And I love it.

Friday, July 15

I have been itching to blog for a while now, but have been forcing myself to resist that temptation.
Why, you ask?
Why is blogging a temptation that must be resisted?
Well it is when you have this many thoughts running around in your head.
I figured if I blogged it would all just come out and end up sounding like a novel written by someone who should be locked up in an institution.

aka. me. I am a crazy person. I should be locked up.

But enough about that.
I am limiting myself to 3 things today. In this way I try to avoid crazy ramblings.

1. I am so so so freaking grateful for the amazing friends I have. They are so awesome to me, especially when I am a moody jerk to them and they still love me and try to make me happy.
2. I have the house to myself. It's fantastic.
3. I have made a pledge. I promise to be nicer to everyone. The strangers I will never see again, those people that I know but not really, and my friends and family that are so dear to me. I promise not to put you down. To not make rude, sarcastic remarks. To be positive and uplifting all the time. Or at least I will try my hardest. I will probably slip up. When I do, please be patient with me. I am trying. maybe you could even remind me of my promise? Perhaps more on this  and what brought it about in a later post. When I am not so crazy.
Anyways, I got to get back to my padded cell now.

Wait, one more thing..
A little something from Lenka

Tuesday, July 12

Better than what I was going to post..

Yeah, I'm doing this. A little bit of blogsperation (blog+inspiration) here. Thanks Jane and Chanel.
Promise not to lie or erase any of these questions?
Will try my best

If you married the last person that texted you, what would your name be?
Low. haha but that is very unlikely

Do you know anyone named matt ?

What smiley face do you use often?
Honestly, have you ever ate raw cookie dough?
koquito? My fav

Who were you with friday night?
friday...ummm, friday... myself. I know pretty sad
What is bothering you?
Something that really shouldn't be

Whats your favorite kind of ice cream?
depends what I'm craving. Right now? Something with chocolate and caramel

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Is there a difference between "best" friend and friend?
absolutely. a best friend is who you go to first

Do you take walks often?
not as often as I wish

Fluent in?

Are any of your friends taller than you?

Do you crack your knuckles?
very seldom

Spell your name with out an L:
Brittney. Wow that was epic
Do you like hugs?
Very much so
Who was your last one from?

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
uhh yup
What are you listening to right now?
Have a listen, it's great

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Some random golfer wanting a tee-time.

Did you copy and paste this survey?
well I didn't write it all out..

How do most people spell your name?
Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
Yes, it's a great place
Does anyone know your password besides you?

Have you ever dated a football player?
Last person to make you smile?
Oh gee, I smile often, and at everyone

Feel like talking to someone you haven't in a while?
Yes please.
Expecting something to change in a month?
Expecting it? No, but it will probably happen anyways.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes. A golf glove. (yeah, I'm at work right now..)

Is there anything you should be doing right now?
haha working!
Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy?
Do you have a reason to smile right now?

Is there someone who can ALWAYS make you smile?
Excited for anything?
finishing work
Has someone recently told you something you didn't want to hear?

Will tomorrow be a good day?
I'm planning on it

Are you sober?
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else?
uhh, I don't think these socks are mine..

Are you in a good mood right now?
could be better, but I'm alright

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yes. Please.

Would you rather get high or be able to fly?
fly. Then I wouldn't have to pay for gas
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Everything and everything. But mostly a happy, loving mother and wife.

Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
Yes please
Do you regret anything?
I try really hard not to.
Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
Some random person wanting to go golfing

What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Do you have any tattoos?
haven't we already been over this?
What's in your wallet?
Lots of change. random junk

What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet?
my skiing clothes :(

Do you sleep with anything?
500 blankets, 6 pillows and several teddy bears

Has someone ever called you beautiful?

Are you wearing short shorts?

Do you miss anyone?

Do you like messages or comments better?
Either will do
What are you drinking?

Love really is a beautiful thing, huh?

Did anything dramatic go down yesterday?
Nope. yesterday was completely uneventful

Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
No, I love it
Did you ever walk away from someone that was yelling at you?
Yes. I had too.

Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them?
No, I usually yell at them. Sorry
Has anyone licked you in the past week?

When you say you dont care do you mean it?
I usually say what I mean

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Nope, working.
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
As of late? way too often
What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
At the gym

Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?

What is on your wrists right now?

Did you sleep alone last night?

Have you ever felt lonely?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
8 joyous hours

Reason for the last tear shed?
You don't wanna know